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I offer a live course, a digital course, and private consultations


Fertility Awareness, Live Course

Unfortunately, we are not taught enough about our bodies and menstrual cycles. As a result, we often enter our fertile years not only without adequate knowledge but also burdened with myths, fear, and apprehension about our bodies and fertility. It's no wonder that we readily accept options to suppress our natural cycles when they are offered. However, we were never taught that we can work with our bodies and fertility, rather than against them.


Price for SA residents: R 2500. / Price for non SA: $ 300


Fertility Awareness for Conception
Self taught digital course

It may sound strange to you, but in my opinion, we should prepare for pregnancy. Yes, prepare for pregnancy. We used to be less stressed, our food was of better quality and less industrialized, the air was cleaner, and there were fewer hormonal disruptors. Today, the situation is different. Our environment is not very conducive to our overall health, and we spend years on artificial hormones. 


Price for SA residents: R 1250 / Price for non SA: $ 150



There are many methods under the umbrella of fertility awareness-based methods, with key differences primarily being which bodily signs you learn to track and what additional information is necessary to identify patterns of fertility and infertility. Some methods incorporate all three bodily signs (cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical position), while others rely solely on cervical mucus and sensations.


Price for SA residents: R 2150 / Price for non SA: $ 150


Shedding Process
(Pregnancy Release)

An amazing healing modality that I offer to women who are undergoing or have undergone a pregnancy release (miscarriage or abortion), which I learned from my great teacher, is something I primarily offer to women who wish to conceive (though not exclusively). The basic premise of the treatment is that our womb stores energy and also knows how to release energy.


Price for SA residents: R 450 per h /  Price for non SA: $ 75 per h.

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